Why Move To Florida? : The Weather
Winter. We all dread it. The cold. The snow. The ice. Wiping frost off the windshield. Stocking up on food just in case you get snowed in. Driving carefully in case of black ice. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you didn’t have to worry about these nuisances? What if there was a place where winter didn’t exist? Fortunately for you, there is such a place.
Not much needs to be said about the amazing weather down here in Florida. This forecast speaks for itself
From Weather.com On 11/04/2014
And that’s a typical week in NOVEMBER. Even when the “cold” weather does make it down here, it doesn’t last for long. Just read this headline...
From Google on 11/04/2014
So go ahead and trade out your wool gloves and overcoats for shorts and a tank top. If you crave the warmth of the sun, come on down to Florida.